For any questions regarding flight data and schedules, please contact your respective airline.
Information on the Arrivals and Departures screens comes from real-time data and is updated every few minutes.
Flight data that you see here covers a four-hour period: 2 hours before the current time and 2 hours after the current time. This allows you to see both past and future flight information.
PHOENIX | Southwest Airlines | 1521 | B3 | 09:43 AM | Arrived |
DENVER | United Airlines | 4662 | B9 | 09:36 AM | Arrived |
SAN ANTONIO | Southwest Airlines | 3859 | B5 | 10:06 AM | Arrived |
DALLAS | Southwest Airlines | 3127 | B6 | 10:29 AM | Arrived |
DENVER | Southwest Airlines | 3462 | B3 | 10:52 AM | Arrived |
AUSTIN | Southwest Airlines | 3683 | B5 | 11:03 AM | Arrived |
HOUSTON | United Airlines | 6066 | B8 | 11:06 AM | Arrived |
DALLAS-FORT WORTH | American Airlines | 2385 | A2 | 11:18 AM | Arrived |
PHOENIX | American Airlines | 4865 | A3 | 11:35 AM | Arrived |
CHICAGO | United Airlines | 3587 | B11 | 12:37 PM | In Air |
LOS ANGELES | Southwest Airlines | 801 | B6 | 12:21 PM | In Air |
LOS ANGELES | American Airlines | 4876 | A1 | 11:47 AM | In Air |
ATLANTA | Delta Air Lines | 1002 | B01 | 12:40 PM | In Air |
CHICAGO | Southwest Airlines | 3715 | B3 | 12:19 PM | In Air |
LAS VEGAS | Southwest Airlines | 1268 | B5 | 12:57 PM | On Time |
SAN ANTONIO | Southwest Airlines | 948 | B3 | 12:30 PM | On Time |
CHICAGO | American Airlines | 3877 | A2 | 12:59 PM | In Air |
HOUSTON | United Airlines | 6061 | B8 | 12:52 PM | In Air |
DALLAS-FORT WORTH | American Airlines | 3279 | A1 | 01:22 PM | On Time |
DENVER | United Airlines | 221 | B9 | 01:13 PM | On Time |
DALLAS | Southwest Airlines | 3155 | B3 | 01:21 PM | On Time |